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thoughts that move my heart…

Archive for the tag “God”

She Is My Daughter


Have you ever regretted something that didn’t seem that big of a deal at the time?

Monday morning, I became overwhelmed with sadness over something I did the night before.

Scrolling through facebook can be so entertaining – pictures and videos everywhere. Just one click away from laughter or tears, or both. There are things that make you smile ear to ear, cause you to seriously laugh out loud, and then, other posts make you so sad or mad. There are those that make you scratch your head in wonder, and some of my favorites, the things I die laughing over and would love to repost – but can’t. I just can’t, but oh man,!

Sunday night it was a video, a video of a young woman who was clearly intoxicated by something. She was dancing away, completely uninhibited with her stomach hanging out, flopping all over the place. The people videotaping were egging her on, laughing and making fun of her.

As I watched it I snickered myself, thinking what in the world is wrong with her? I made my comments out loud, laughed a little and thought the world is a scary place for sure.

I didn’t think anything more about it, came home, did my usual night time routine and went to bed.

Our church encourages us to do a church wide 21 day fast, starting the beginning of January. A great way to start off the new year, giving God the first of our year. Jim and I decided to do the Daniel fast together, eating mostly fruits and vegetables, no caffeine, meat, sugar, dairy or flour.

During this time, when I was hungry, I would pray. When I craved certain things, I told Jesus I wanted Him more than the craving – more than the salt water taffy sitting on the frig in the office, that I tried to cover up with a napkin so I didn’t have to look at it!

Sunday was the end for many, Monday was our last day. We started a day later than most due to a family holiday dinner we had planned months in advance.

During this fast, my prayer has been to draw close to Jesus, not anything He would do for me in regards to things I think I need or want, but that I would surrender myself to what He would want to teach me. Not my agenda, simply His way with me. Another prayer has been that my heart would break over what breaks His.

Also, I’ve been listening to messages, this one was particularly awesome, Dangerous Prayers by Craig Groeshel.

Reading more, a great devotional that specifically spoke to me this morning, Let Us Keep to the Point, by Utmost for His Highest.

Definitely praying and journaling more.

Today, my last day of the fast, was profound. I had to write about this right away, I just don’t want to forget it, ever.

As I was getting ready for work  I kept thinking of the video of that young woman. I was going to post the video here for you to see, but decided not to. Why add to the shame and embarrassment she will feel one day, if not already.

I remembered her dancing with her belly all over the place, she is someone’s daughter, neighbor, friend and maybe, mother, sister or aunt. I thought of my own daughters that must be close to her age and the people laughing and taunting her.

I couldn’t escape the thought, what if that was my daughter?

I became so overwhelmed with emotion as I thought of all these things, but most of all at my own actions, my own laughing and snickering as I watched.

Oh Jesus, please forgive me became my prayer in my car this morning. Tears streaming down my face, the heart ache I was feeling was simply overwhelming.

Over and over I was thinking of my daughters, how I cherish and love them. What I wouldn’t do for them.

It is an honor to be their Mom, a privilege God has given me that I try to walk out in integrity and love, I  fall short often I know. I thank God for them, for using them to reach, teach and stretch me in so many ways. Oh how I desire to make a difference in their lives. I am so proud of them, the adults they have become, the way they love and look out for each other, their jokes and sense of humor that is their own language. This is my greatest joy, these beautiful girls God has allowed me to be Mom to. And, just don’t mess with them – I will advocate for them in every way!

As my pastor says – the minute you become a Mom or Dad, your heart moves to the outside of your body.

What if that video was one of them, and I had to watch and hear people making fun of her. What if I was in a room full of people who were watching the video online hearing them laugh at her. I would be wrecked to say the least, heart broken, mad and so very troubled. Fairly certain I’d end up in jail.

As I processed all this I became so angry at myself for doing the same thing! I was yelling through my tears “Why don’t you just pray for that young woman!” Ugh, just a profound moment.


God really moved my heart, He was saying to me…
“She is My daughter”

“Break my heart for what breaks your, Lord” and He did, Oh how He did, over His daughter. His precious daughter that He knit together in her mother’s womb who is fearfully and wonderfully made.  It was His daughter that I was laughing at, that He created and loves, that He died for.

Undone, completely undone is the only way to describe what He was doing in my heart.

This is a life changer for me, I am so grateful for His Forgiveness, Grace and Truth deposited into my heart today.

God has used my girls over and over to help me understand His love for me. His love for me and you is so much greater than this treasured love I have for my girls, or you have for yours, or anything you cherish in your life.

A truth I’ll forever be in awe of.

In my sorrow, my snickering has turned into prayer for her. My heart has turned into love for her. Lord please protect her, bring Your people into her life, open her heart to You, send someone that she’ll respond to.

I am praying for God’s grace that instead of joining in, I will stand out and up for those who can’t or won’t. Not laughing or making fun, not pointing fingers; but prayer, for His children.

Will you join me in praying for this young woman?

God knows her name.

He knows yours, too.

Psalm 139: 13-14
Ephesians 4:29
Psalm 19:14
Proverbs 29:35

Failing in Love

As early as I can remember, I wanted a boyfriend. I grew up on a ‘mini’ farm, a Tom Boy in every way. I Loved my horses more than anything; riding was my passion.

I remember a boy in the 5th grade who I had the biggest crush on. I was thrilled when he sat beside me once on the school bus. My heart beat so hard, my hands sweaty, and I was sure he shared my little crush.

This was my chance, I thought. I slowly placed my hand on his knee—ever so smooth. Yea right! This was the boldest thing I had ever done. I can’t believe I did it—but I was sure he shared my feelings. I mean, he chose to sit beside me!

In my heart, I thought he would grab my hand, and we would be boyfriend and girlfriend. He then looked at me, and I at him, and said…”Are you afraid I will fall off the seat or something?”

M.O.R.T.I.F.I.E.D isn’t even close to how I felt, totally embarrassed. I removed my hand and stared out the window until I could get off that bus.


From that memory on, relationships have been painful for me.Digital Image

Moving into junior high, I was always the first on the bus after school.
The bell would ring, and we would all go to our lockers, say our
goodbyes, and get on the bus. As I waited, I watched all the guys
walk the girls to their buses and kiss them goodbye. I remember
stalling after the bell rang so I wouldn’t be the first one on; maybe
then I wouldn’t look like the lonely girl.

I always wondered why I wasn’t good enough to be someone’s girlfriend or why the interested guys were not the ones you would ever pick to date…ever.

I was convinced something was wrong with me.

It was in High School when my parents divorced, and we moved to a new school that I started my first relationship. I was the ‘new’ girl and was making friends. It felt great to have this fresh start.

Over time, this first High School relationship failed. After that, there was a succession of many more failed relationships, if you can even call them that. Looking for love in all the wrong places certainly rang true in my life over and over.

Can you relate to this missing place in your heart that aches to be filled?

  • You know it’s there but can’t understand why?
  • What’s wrong with me?
  • Why do I always think I have to have a boyfriend?
  • Will I ever be loved how I feel it should be?
  • Is there such a thing as a soul mate, and if so, how will I ever find him?

I understand you; I truly do.

Your story may not involve a bunch of failed relationships but just one. Maybe you’ve never had one, or perhaps you did, and he left you for someone else. Maybe you are in a great marriage, or mediocre, and feel something is missing. Whatever your relationship story is, there is an answer to fill the ache of your heart.

After 16 years of marriage and three beautiful daughters, we divorced. It was painful and ugly, and I am very sorry for the part I played; I am equally grateful for what God taught me.

I was ‘back in the saddle again,’ searching to fill that ache with a relationship. During my marriage, I accepted Christ into my life, learning about Him, and raising our girls in the church. I would learn about God through the papers they would bring home from their Sunday School classes. I was an adult woman learning the stories of God on an elementary level, and it was AMAZING! I was too embarrassed to tell anyone I didn’t know the stories. What a gift He gave me through my girls, and continues today.

It wasn’t until I got to the end of myself, through the demise of my marriage and other relationships, that I started to understand I had issues. I am a slow learner, clearly! Through counseling, I learned I was codependent and an enabler. Two things I didn’t know anything about even though I was a classic example of them.

As a newly single person, I was trying to understand God’s views on dating. What did He say about how He created men and women, marriage and sex? And what about dating after marriage and having children? I clearly was not healthy in this area and didn’t want everyone’s opinion, I just wanted Gods.

In order for change to occur, the fear of staying the same has to be greater than the fear of change.”

In this quest, Jesus started to become my friend. I would journal my heart to Him, read His word, participate in bible studies, read books, listen to podcasts all about dating, relationships, and men and women.

Jesus was teaching me that He is and was the relationship I had searched for all my life, in every way – not just on Sundays or Wednesdays but in a personal way. He loved and accepted me for who I was, not what I thought I should or needed to be. For the first time in my life, I was becoming a whole person all by myself. I had a beautiful relationship…with Jesus.

I’m not talking about religion.

This relationship has revolutionized my life so much that I can’t stop trying to help women understand it in their own lives.

  • Do you think that it is only for ‘religious’ people?
  • Do you think you must ‘clean up your act’ before you can get there or wait for a better time?
  • Or you’ve made so many mistakes and bad choices that you are sure He is done with you, or you lost your chance.
  • Is it for other people, those people who know the bible?

Exactly where I was. He taught me that He desires you right where you are, I had habits and lifestyle choices that were not Godly in any way. And still, there He was wooing me to Himself.

right.where.I.was. period.

And now, here’s what I’m going to do: I’m going to start all over again. I’m taking her back out into the wilderness, where we had our first date, and I’ll court her. I’ll give her bouquets of roses. I’ll turn Heartbreak Valley into Acres of Hope. She’ll respond like she did as a young girl  Hosea 2:14

He doesn’t want to control you, have you act like you have it all together, or try hard to get it right. He simply wants to love you right where you are, just the way you are. It’s not based on whether you are fat, skinny, tall, short, rich, poor, religious, intelligent, dumb, educated, tan, beautiful, or anything else.

He is such a gentleman; he won’t force Himself on you. There are no strings in this relationship.

Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friendsRevelation 3:20

The relationship you desire is with Jesus, and maybe, like me, you don’t even know it…

Unlike my first crush on the school bus, he not only wants to hold your hand, he wants to hold your heart.  You Are More, you’ve been re-made: Video

Are Your Emotions Ruling Your Decisions?

This season of life is challenging for me,cross road
last night the thought struck me
“You are almost 50 for cryin’ out loud”!   I never thought I’d be at this crossroad at almost 50.

I have been in Real Estate my whole adult life but took a full time opportunity in June of last year with Women of Faith.  In January I was let go along with so many others,  a change in ownership.   It was such an amazing experience, one I will cherish for a lifetime.

Now I find myself at a cross road, which direction should I go Lord?  It’s a vague place, a place I don’t do well in.   My personality needs to know what is next, point me the way I should go and I’ll go!   Or will I?

I have had many opportunities come my way, but non of them seem like the right fit.  Hanging onto the things I love to do, the things that don’t bring a paycheck in hopes that the Lord would bring that piece somehow somewhere.

I’m trying to be very careful and intentional with what I say yes to.  A yes here means a no somewhere else, my fear is the somewhere else would be a ministry my heart loves.

I wonder what fears you have that stop you from saying yes to opportunities that come your way?  What emotions surface that become the basis of your decisions.

Sunday we had the most amazing service, ‘When Life Throws You A Curve Ball.’   Our Pastor used the story in Daniel 3 of the 3 guys thrown in the fiery furnace.  My hand hurt from all the notes I took…

  • Do the right thing, not the easy thing.
  • What do I want to be true of me after the dust settles
  • When the heat is on, remember I am being watched
  • No harm will come to me, I might get hurt but God says no harm will come.  (harm is permanent, hurt is temporary)
  • My emotions will lie to me – Don’t be afraid, just face it!
  • Make the choice to keep swinging!

I found myself slumped over the altar after this message, surrendering this season to Him with tears streaming down my face.   The poor guy who had his hand on me when I stood up must have caught quite the sight, raccoon eyes for sure!

A great devotional I received today was about God’s Promises, do we believe they are true for us?  This devotional challenges you to list 3 promises that God has fulfilled in your life.

My most precious ones are:

  1. Jeremiah 29:11-14   For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to give you a hope and not harm you…when you call on me with all your heart you will be found by me.
  2. Isaiah 41:10  Do not fear, do not be dismayed for i am your God, I will strengthen you, help you and uphold you!
  3. Joel 2:25-27  I will repay you for the years the locust has eaten…you will have plenty to eat…you will never again be shamed.
  4. Proverbs 3: 5 & 6  Trust in the Lord,  Do NOT lean on your own understanding, submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.

I am choosing to believe His truth over my emotions, what about you?

Thank you Jesus for fulfilling these promises in my life,  Thank you for this priceless  reminder today.

What season are you in right now?

What is a promise He has fulfilled for you that you can stand on?  

“You’re not smart enough..”

Truth be told, I really lack discipline.   In some area’s I am good at it, but in many others not so much.   Mentally I allow this to discourage me in ‘not trying’  things I really have a desire to do.   The mental battle becomes, “You’re not smart enough… you’re not educated enough… you’re not _________”   “Don’t bother” I’m sure you can fill in the blank with your own self talk.


As women I think this is something we all battle.   These past few months I’ve searched and prayed for direction.   In this search one thing that keeps coming back to me is to start blogging again.   I’ve been challenged to discipline myself to write twice a week by someone I respect so much.

As I prayed and journaled with the Lord about this I was able to really dissect my thoughts.

  • Why won’t I just do it?
  • What is the worst thing that will happen if I start blogging?
  • What would I blog about twice a week?
  • What am I afraid of?

What are some questions you’d ask yourself?

As I asked these questions, the answers started to come.   I turned to His word and read Ephesians 3:20-21

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be the glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever..Amen

Now that is encouraging to me!  I’ve seen this come true in my life in many areas.  This time it’s about my stinkin’ thinkin!  I’m putting my trust in Him as I discipline myself.  Submitting my thinking to Him instead of believing the mental battles that are surely present.

The Lord puts the desire in our hearts that line up with His word.   Maybe there is something He’s put in your heart as well, something you are mentally battling.  Can you ask yourself the questions I asked myself?

  1. Reasons I don’t want to ___________:
    •  You’ll look stupid
    • Who do you think you are?
    • You don’t know proper grammar (clearly!)
    • You are uneducated
    • People will judge me


  2. Reasons I do want to ______________:
    •  Desire is in my heart
    • Grace of Jesus revealed
    • Encouragement to women in bondage (mentally and emotionally)
    • Freedom
    • Bring hope to the depressed and/or captive
    • Encouragement in mothering,  marriage, soul ties, dating, relationships, men, intimacy
    • Glorify God
    • Be the woman I looked for


  3. How do I do it?
    •  Use my life experience
    • Share my heart
    • Speak in love
    • Stay in the Word, close to Jesus
    • Pray
    • Educate myself through books, blogs and podcast
    • Encourage myself in the Lord
    • Discipline and focus
    • WRITE!

If you ever study the book of John you’ll learn that Jesus’ disciples were not educated men.    Acts 4:13 says

When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

This blog will be by an unschooled, ordinary woman who loves to spend time with Jesus!

What about you?  What is  something you’d like to step out in faith with and how can I pray for you? 

Be Still and Know that He is God

My Theme Song, Thank You Lord!

Silence & The Back-Up Plan…

I’ve thought that I really need to blog again, it’s been so long.   Blogging for me is so new, I enjoy journaling but throwing my thoughts out here in cyber world sure is different.

Maybe I haven’t because I’ve secretly been thinking that I’ll be able to make the next post “It’s final, the paperwork came!” for this new job I was hired for verbally last month.   That hasn’t happened, there is just total silence in this regard.

To say I’ve walked through this situation with complete peace would be a lie.   I have heard The Lord tell me  “Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10,  but hearing  and doing are two different things.

I know He knows I have issues with being still, maybe that is why He is constantly reminding me!    : )

Since my last blog I would have to say He has brought this scripture to me at least twice a week, sometimes twice a day!  The last I knew it should have been mid April when all the paperwork would come through.

When that date came and went I started working on my back-up plan.   It  actually was becoming THE plan, my plan.  But,  He brings  it again,   “Be Still…”

I wonder, how many times I’ve turned to the back-up plan before God could finish the plan He had for me?  I wonder how many times have I gotten in His way when He was working but I was too impatient to wait.

If it wasn’t looking good, the way I thought it should go – I would just fix it, solve it, buy it, manipulate it, give up, walk away,  stress about it or just make SOMETHING happen!

The day this all came to a screeching halt for me was April 24th.   I was in the midst of finishing up details for  our women’s retreat we just experienced this past weekend.

I couldn’t stop thinking about this situation and the ‘what-if’s’, I couldn’t focus on any one thing before my mind would go back to this situation.   I stopped everything I was doing, grabbed my journal and started writing.

After several attempts to pray through my writing I just started to cry and tell the Lord I was just so sorry for how my  mind was racing.  I couldn’t make it stop, it was driving me insane.    After getting this all out I then turned to the devotional I absolutely love – Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.

This is the nutshell of the conversation I had with my precious Lord and friend.     

Me: “Lord, I know my mind is racing, I can’t make it stop!”
Devotional: “Bring me your mind for rest in renewal….as your mind stops racing…”
Me: STUNNED with gator sized tears, Wow, seriously?! I even flipped to the wrong day in the devotional book!
Devotional: “Be still and Know that I am God” (on right day, 4/24)
Psalm 46:10 Psalm 89:15

I spent much time in the Word where He confirmed over and over what He told me here.  Goodness I am overwhelmed with Joy and Peace, no more analyzing the back-up plan.

He see’s right where we are  and has the perfect plan already carved out for us.    We just have to let Him work, choose Him over the feelings and emotions we experience in these kind of situations.  They lie to us, He is Truth.

Whatever the plan is, A, B, C or F; I am still and  know He is God.

Perfect Peace…

Just a journal entry of my morning with the Lord…

March 28
Jesus Calling | Sarah Young

“I AM A GOD WHO GIVES and gives and gives.  When I died for you on the cross, I held back nothing; I poured out My life like a drink offering.  Because giving is in inherent in My nature, I search for people who are able to receive in full measure.  To increase your intimacy with Me, the two traits you need the most are receptivity and attentiveness.  Receptivity is opening up your innermost being to be filled with My abundant riches.  Attentiveness is directing your gaze to Me:  searching for Me in all your moments.  It is possible to stay your mind on Me, as the prophet Isaiah wrote.   Through such attentiveness you receive a glorious gift:  My perfect Peace.

Philippians 2:17; Mark 10:15; Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV)

Isaiah 26:3  really spoke to me “You will keep him (your name) in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he (she) trusts in You.”

My George Muller book

Instead of being disappointed with expectations, live in the reverse.   Such trials being  seen to be  needful are opportunities to demonstrate that the Lord is our helper in time of need.   Such constant, instant reliance upon divine help does not so absorb the mind in temporal things but rather prompts to habitual communion with the Lord and His Word.

Wow, that encourages me so much.  I had to read and re-read it to grasp what it was saying.  I so enjoy writings that challenge my thinking.   Probably why I so enjoy George Muller and Charles Spurgeon so much!

After spending time with the Lord in the word and devotionals I check my email only to find this amazing email from Lead Like Jesus.

This is the very first sentence and scripture!

Scripture is full of stories of people who had to wait on the Lord to see His plans and promises come to fulfillment.

Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.–Psalm 37:7
Full devotional from Lead Like Jesus

Listen, hear and know are the three words God has put on my heart.  Over 6 months ago now it all started, maybe longer.   I can listen but do not hear, I can hear but do not know…He is teaching me the difference so I can KNOW.

Be still and KNOW that I am God.  Psalm 46:10

Thank you Jesus for this opportunity to depend on You and You alone!

Be Still and Know

Being still is such a hard thing to do!

If you’ve read the earlier blog ‘Divine Delay’, you’ll understand this one a little better.

I had another conversation  about the delayed paperwork for the new job, reassurance that it’s just a matter of time.    You can’t help but wonder what  the delay is about, it is comforting to know there are 2 other women  in the same situation waiting on the same thing I am; in different parts of the Country.

Having put my notice in at my current job and informing my customers  is an interesting twist, should I work a little longer than planned?  The questions and analyzing that surface during this time could make me a bit crazy if I let it.  Feeling the nudge to ‘Be Still’ keeps surfacing.

After dropping my daughter off for  practice I took a little drive to find
a quiet spot in the woods, a place that
always brings peace to my heart.

Silent little bugs that looked like flying dust particles, in the sunlight through the trees really caught my eye.  

Being still I heard the amazing ‘music’ of tons of birds signing.

Rustling leaves intrigued me, trying to figure out what kind of critter was there.   I explained to God that I was trying to listen.

A bird bouncing around pecking at the ground  made me wonder if they struggle with their identity and purpose?  What does their ‘community’ look like? It made me think of the verse in the Bible that talks about God taking care of them and how much more He takes care of us. Matthew 6:26 MSG

I journal a lot,  I journaled that I was confused by the delay but I have yielded my life to Him, I know he has the perfect plan already carved out for me.  Trying to trust  that this delay is part of that plan.

He has taught me over the years it isn’t the destination but the journey that brings this intimate relationship with Him. 

Be Still

I brought  this awesome book about an amazing man of faith, a friend turned me onto him years ago.  George Muller established orphanages in Bristol and founded the Scriptural Knowledge Institution.   The book is titled George Muller of Bristol, I guarantee it WILL strengthen your faith and prayers!   God has used his life of faith and prayer in my need of encouragement… every-time.

Being still, journaling my thoughts and concerns to the Lord then randomly open this book to page 174.  Tears brimmed my eyes as I read the words, filling my heart again with the hope only the Lord can give  in this simple but profound statement.

…But in leaning upon God, the Living God alone, we are BEYOND DISAPPOINTMENT AND BEYOND being forsaken because of death, or want of means, or want of love, or because of the claims of other work.

I also turned to my devotional book that I received as a gift from Women of Faith, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.    The entry for this days devotional that contributed to the already tearful place I was in.   

…I do my greatest works through people with grateful, trusting hearts.  Rather than planning and evaluating, practice trusting and thanking Me continually.   This is a paradigm shift that will revolutionize your life.

Being still, letting Him strengthen and encourage me in the quietness of natureListen, hear and know what He is saying, this is a summary our time together from the journaling, reading and scripture He took me to.

Lean on Me alone, you are beyond disappointment, beyond being forsaken because of death, or want of means, or want of love, or because of the claims of other work.  No matter what your circumstances, be content in Me alone and know that no good thing will be withheld from you as you walk uprightly.  Trust in Me with thankfulness as I lift you up above your circumstances and revolutionize your life!

Isaiah 12:2-3, Psalm 21:6, Philippians 4:4, Psalm 95:1, Psalm 9:10

This  was all about strengthening my identity in Him alone; not a job, no matter how wonderful I think it will be.   It’s about His plan not mine.

Being still in His presence  – why is it so hard to do when it is the greatest nourishment our souls needs?

So many distractions, so much to do, so many electronics.   All things I believe are designed to keep us from this precious time with Him.

Thank you Jesus,  I am so grateful you always have time for me!   You never let go.

I love you and pray this is an encouragement to others in their relationship with you!

Awesome music video…  Be still my child, be still

Divine Delay

Thank you Lord for another opportunity to trust You and Your perfect plan for my life.   I praise you for the divine delay in this situation and pray as I seek You and only You for answers and strength, your purpose will become ever so clear.

Monday the 27th of February I received a call that will ultimately change the course of the work I’ve always done.  So many emotions have surfaced; elated, over joyed, excitement, fear, great anticipation, thrilled to name a few.

The Lord has given me such gift with this phone call, to know that I could even be considered for such a job has brought so much joy.  I’m so anxious to get started.

The interviews are done, the offer made – now it is just the final paperwork arriving.   Today there are some delays;  now the opportunity to be still, listen, hear and know what He is saying to me.

Hearing has  always been the struggle, I listen but do I really HEAR and KNOW what is said.     In this time of being still and waiting, I want to hear and know what the Lord is teaching me through it.

Be still and know that I am God  Psalm 46:10 comes to mind

I choose to believe the promise of Isaiah 40:31;
I will wait on the Lord and gain new strength, mount up with wings like eagles, run and not get tired, walk and not become weary.  

Thank you Lord for your promises!

Do The Next Thing

A friend posted this poem written by Elisabeth Elliot on Facebook.   She explained  how comforting it was to her after her husband passed away.   Changes in our lives are always a new opportunity to trust the Lord in The Next Thing no matter how difficult they are.

As I am experiencing a change now in my life, I’m experiencing such encouragement from this poem and trusting that He is going before me…and you

Do The Next Thing

From an old English parsonage down by the sea
There came in the twilight a message to me;
Its quaint Saxon legend, deeply engraven,
Hath, it seems to me, teaching from Heaven.
And on through the doors the quiet words ring
Like a low inspiration: “Do the next thing.”

Many a questioning, many a fear,
Many a doubt, hath its quieting here.
Moment by moment, let down from Heaven,
Time, opportunity, and guidance are given.
Fear not tomorrows, child of the King,
Trust them with Jesus, do the next thing.

Do it immediately, do it with prayer;
Do it reliantly, casting all care;
Do it with reverence, tracing His hand
Who placed it before thee with earnest command.
Stayed on Omnipotence, safe ‘neath His wing,
Leave all results, do the next thing.

Looking for Jesus, ever serener,
Working or suffering, be thy demeanor;
In His dear presence, the rest of His calm,
The light of His countenance be thy psalm,
Strong in His faithfulness, praise and sing.
Then, as He beckons thee, do the next thing

~Elisabeth Elliot

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