debbie ring

thoughts that move my heart…

“You’re not smart enough..”

Truth be told, I really lack discipline.   In some area’s I am good at it, but in many others not so much.   Mentally I allow this to discourage me in ‘not trying’  things I really have a desire to do.   The mental battle becomes, “You’re not smart enough… you’re not educated enough… you’re not _________”   “Don’t bother” I’m sure you can fill in the blank with your own self talk.


As women I think this is something we all battle.   These past few months I’ve searched and prayed for direction.   In this search one thing that keeps coming back to me is to start blogging again.   I’ve been challenged to discipline myself to write twice a week by someone I respect so much.

As I prayed and journaled with the Lord about this I was able to really dissect my thoughts.

  • Why won’t I just do it?
  • What is the worst thing that will happen if I start blogging?
  • What would I blog about twice a week?
  • What am I afraid of?

What are some questions you’d ask yourself?

As I asked these questions, the answers started to come.   I turned to His word and read Ephesians 3:20-21

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be the glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever..Amen

Now that is encouraging to me!  I’ve seen this come true in my life in many areas.  This time it’s about my stinkin’ thinkin!  I’m putting my trust in Him as I discipline myself.  Submitting my thinking to Him instead of believing the mental battles that are surely present.

The Lord puts the desire in our hearts that line up with His word.   Maybe there is something He’s put in your heart as well, something you are mentally battling.  Can you ask yourself the questions I asked myself?

  1. Reasons I don’t want to ___________:
    •  You’ll look stupid
    • Who do you think you are?
    • You don’t know proper grammar (clearly!)
    • You are uneducated
    • People will judge me


  2. Reasons I do want to ______________:
    •  Desire is in my heart
    • Grace of Jesus revealed
    • Encouragement to women in bondage (mentally and emotionally)
    • Freedom
    • Bring hope to the depressed and/or captive
    • Encouragement in mothering,  marriage, soul ties, dating, relationships, men, intimacy
    • Glorify God
    • Be the woman I looked for


  3. How do I do it?
    •  Use my life experience
    • Share my heart
    • Speak in love
    • Stay in the Word, close to Jesus
    • Pray
    • Educate myself through books, blogs and podcast
    • Encourage myself in the Lord
    • Discipline and focus
    • WRITE!

If you ever study the book of John you’ll learn that Jesus’ disciples were not educated men.    Acts 4:13 says

When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

This blog will be by an unschooled, ordinary woman who loves to spend time with Jesus!

What about you?  What is  something you’d like to step out in faith with and how can I pray for you? 

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2 thoughts on ““You’re not smart enough..”

  1. Leslie on said:

    oh my! this is so much me too – its a daily struggle, what others think- that I don’t deserve, not good enough, not smart – oh I could go on, I am so mean to myself. lol. I am really trying to be nicer to myself but its a lifelong ordeal that I have to peel away all the negative and work on the battle in my head with the thoughts and trying to captive them and give them to God and let him handle the evil. I think that is why God brought you into my life, we are so much paralled in our stories and your heart and caring gave me a sense of true friendship. I would not be where I am without your encouragement and kind listening ears and little nudges, ok big pushes. 🙂 lol. Love you!


    • Thank you so much Leslie, you are such a sweetheart! I am so grateful for your comment and know the Lord has great plans for you as you keep pressing on! It is Him in you, and me that brings the victory! We are nothing with out Him, lets Glorify Him together by surrendering this ‘stuff’.. less of us, more of Him! Yay! I love you girl, you bless me so much! ❤


How does this stir your heart?